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Blog Archives

Kyle Riggs Dec 01 2020

Discover how to start your dream education in healthcare this year and how to stay motivated throughout the process.

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Kyle Riggs Nov 16 2020

If you’re considering a change for your career, this could be the perfect year to start your dream of becoming a dental assistant! Read our blog to find out why now is the time to learn more.

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Kyle Riggs Apr 23 2020

At Blake Austin, nothing is more important than making sure our students can study what they love while staying safe. Learn how we plan on doing that through online applications and which programs this is available for!

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Kyle Riggs Feb 06 2019

Take our quiz to see which healthcare program could be best for you!

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Kyle Riggs Sep 06 2018

Are you a future dental extraordinaire? Test your knowledge of dental instruments on our quiz! If you’re interested in becoming a professional dental assistant, learn more about our program to see what you can become! Need a quick refresher on your dental instruments? Here’s an overview of some of the most commonly used dental instruments,…

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Kyle Riggs Jul 26 2018

Administrative medical assistants, also known sometimes as medical secretaries, have the opportunity to work in hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, and so many other places around the world. They check patients in at the front desk of their facility, answer the phone, schedule appointments, interview patients, compile medical records and charts, process insurance payments, and much…

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