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Student LIfe Jan 21 2022 Author: Kyle Riggs

The Ultimate Guide to Time Management for Working Students

For students in the healthcare field, it can be challenging to balance an internship or part-time job with your rigorous studies. Procrastination, packed schedules, and overbooking are all challenges that regularly plague the lives of working students, leading to missed deadlines and feelings of frustration or burn-out. 

How can you strive for excellence both in the classroom and in the professional sphere? There are several strategies you can employ to easily juggle your professional, educational, and personal commitments. Read on to discover the ultimate guide to time management for working students in the healthcare field.

Create a Calendar

One of the most essential components of any time management strategy is a detailed planner or calendar that includes all your appointments, work shifts, and other relevant dates—this is especially useful for students in the demanding healthcare field. When your schedule is full of job or school-related responsibilities, it can be difficult to remember all your commitments without having a reliable timetable. A comprehensive calendar can help you schedule events and appointments with ease and avoid double-booking yourself. calendar

Your calendar can be physical or digital, whichever is easiest for you to maintain. It’s worth noting that multiple studies have shown the retentive advantages of writing information with pen and paper as opposed to typing. However, if you know you won’t be able to commit to a physical calendar, it’s better to use a digital platform that you will actually use. Most laptops and smartphones have built-in calendar applications, making it easy to keep track of your schedule.

Make a List of Priorities

When you have so many important items on your to-do list, it can be difficult to determine which tasks need to be addressed first. When you’re evaluating your calendar, choose to prioritize the assignments or appointments that require the most attention. It may be helpful to rank each task by level of urgency to help you decide which item to start off with. 

For example, if you have to finish an essay for your Clinical Medical Assistant with Phlebotomy program at Blake Austin College that is due in two days, but you also have a work shift that evening, it makes more sense to attend your shift and then make time to work on the essay afterwards. Once you organize your to-do list by due dates or deadlines, it will be much easier to finish your tasks in a timely manner.

Take Care of Yourself

When you have your job and your education to worry about, it can be tempting to skimp on sleep, self-care, and proper nutrition. However, these are necessary elements of any time management regimen. If you stay up all night to finish a paper, you’ll likely be too exhausted the next day to concentrate during your classes or work shift, and you may miss valuable information.

Sleep Tightgirl sleeping peacefully

If you want your body to function at an optimal level, getting the right amount of sleep is paramount. In the short term, a lack of sleep can cause irritability, difficulty concentrating, and mood swings. In the long term, however, poor sleep can lead to the development of conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Be sure that you get around 8 hours of sleep per night. Some individuals need more or less, so listen to your body to find the right sleep schedule for your needs.

Eat Right

It can be hard to cook healthy meals in between your work shifts, classes, and study sessions. Unfortunately, poor nutrition can make you feel tired, nauseous, and less alert. Stay on top of your health by planning meals in advance and packing nutritious snacks for long days at school or work.


In addition to taking care of your body, it’s also important to watch out for your mental health. Stress can cause anxiety, depression, fatigue, and a host of physical health issues that could have a negative impact on your studies. If you’re feeling stressed out, try to take a break or make time for relaxation techniques. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or even taking a warm bath can soothe your muscles and refresh your mind. 

When you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and reduce your stress levels, you can devote all of your energy to your educational and professional goals. By taking care of your body and mind, you can ensure that you are fully prepared to embrace your healthcare studies at Blake Austin College.


Broaden your educational horizons with our Clinical Medical Assistant with Phlebotomy program or other health and dental programs at Blake Austin College in Vacaville, CA. For more information on our programs, feel free to call 707-455-0557 or request a program guide here. You can also catch up with Blake Austin College on Facebook and Instagram.

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