Nina M. (Medical Assistant)
“I’ll never forget her words. ‘You’re here because you want a career. You’re tired of having a j.o.b. – just over broke.’ We had also met Mr. A who gave us our uniform vouchers, etc. He’s an awesome teacher with a great sense of humor but he is humble and has a lot of experience to offer. After 10 months of the most learning, fun, intense, emotional, intimate, growing experiences you can have as a person I had my first day of externship. You do learn in school but it’s nothing like what you learn on externship. Blake Austin College really does do one heck of a job preparing us for our externships. I was always hearing about how outstanding we are and how excellent and professional we are trained. I was assigned to dr. William O’Connor office in Vacaville for Medical Assistant and Vacaville Valley Hospital for phlebotomy externship.”